Alyth's Got Talent 2022
Alyth's Got Talent is back! The evemt will take place in Alyth Town Hall on Saturday 2nd July at 7.30pm. All entries need to be handed in to AYP clubs by Monday 27th June 2022 - forms are available from all AYP youth workers.

This summer we have 6 weeks of activities for our young people. For detailed information on this, please read our newsletter which the young people will be bringing home. This will also be shared on our social media and to our parents WhatsApp group. Many of the activities require booking so please make sure you get that sorted!

We are now able to meet with young people outdoors so our first sessions will be in the holidays.
For both weeks, the plans are as follows.
Tuesday: 1pm - 3pm in Jubilee Park for art and games.
Wednesday: 1pm - 3pm in Bannerfield for games and picnic (We provide food and drinks).
Thursday: 1pm - 3pm in Jubilee Park for walk to Den and picnic (we provide food and drinks)
We can take a maximum of 12 young people in each group, so please message us to book your spot!

We have set up a group for school leavers and those on activity agreements to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Achievement Award. We are now looking to start a 2nd group on Monday nights for those aged 14 or over. Just speak to one of our youth workers, send us a message, or see us on zoom for more details!

The highlight of 2020 was definitely our first ever talent show. We had all sorts of top quality acts and a great night was had by all. Amie and Eve were the eventual winners (despite a mic issue that George may have been responsible for!), but as the cliche goes, the real winners were the audience.
Obviously we can't run it this year so we have decided to go online. Anyone can enter, and all you have to do is film you act and get it to us by Friday 12th February. The details are on the poster, but you can send it in all the usual ways. Videos should be no more than 4 minutes long, and will be combined and released together on Thursday 18th February at 7pm. The panel of judges will reveal the winners on Friday 19th February at 7pm.
From the 12th until the 19th February, alongside our friends and partners across the region, we are promoting events that will help bring people together whilst still staying apart!
Look out for Valentine's themed activities, artwork, craft sessions and online events all sharing the above hashtag so that everyone knows about it.